Tuesday 22 January 2013


The four of us jumped at the chance to visit milliner, Myra Lloyd from Marmalade Hats when she invited us to her studio in Helensville to take a closer look at what she does best - make amazing hand-made hats! We were blown away by her passion and enthusiasm for this art and we spent the afternoon of our first visit trying on different types of hats. Over a cup of tea, we got to know each other better and Myra explained her philosophy that "no outfit is complete without a hat". Myra kindly offered to make us hats so we left her studio that day very excited about what was to come.

On our second visit, Myra showed us what she had designed, sketched and what she had already started working on. Needless to say, we were super excited about what was evolving. She measured our heads, got our input and personalised each design to us.

Apart from Myra's infectious passion which can't be portrayed in the photos below, this is some of what we saw on our first two visits to Marmalade Hats. Next week, we will post the results of this super fun project, so stay tuned to see what we each ended up with.


  1. Can't wait to see these hats!

    1. We will post the results next week Jessica!

  2. Wow. You lucky boys! Can't wait to see the hats. Did you tell her what you wanted or did you give her full creative scope?

    1. Yes, very lucky! We just started brainstorming together and the ideas started flowing so it was a bit of both :-)

  3. Stunning photos - looking forward to part 2:-)


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