Sunday, 20 July 2014


ALEX - I'm on a little bit of a health kick at the moment (well, I'm trying to be) so decided to try out a place I had heard a lot about - Little Bird Unbakery on Summer Street in Ponsonby. Being a big fan of Korean, I went with the Kimchi pancake made with a chickpea batter, topped with watercress and radish salad. Everything is made from raw organic ingredients and what I had tasted amazing. So much so that I walked out with one of their chocolate brownies… delicious and with no guilty aftertaste.

CHIN - Spent the weekend painting. After hours of sanding, masking taping, accidentally stabbing my face with a pair of needle-nose pliers while trying to open the damn paint can, dripping paint on EVERYTHING and painting, I've finally finished (well, two coats anyway) now that I've spent an eternity washing paintbrushes. Got bright white walls now and it was strangely therapeutic.

DANNY - This hat. I'd been wanting a cappello romano forever and had this rabbit fur felt one made by Irons Kingan Hats (stocked at Wunderkammer) earlier this year. Now that we've hit full on winter weather I've finally been able to pull it out this week and wear it.

MINO - I love discovering new websites and although I've been tuning into this one for awhile now, I thought it was worth a mention. Focusing on just menswear (and not the boring variety), I love checking out the editorials and coverage of international shows. Make sure you check it out:

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